arms up, palms out

The timer will go off three times.
First, sit in easy pose. Interlace the fingers and turn the hands so that the palms face outwards. Arms are straight and parallel to the ground. Lock in the pose and focus the eyes on the tip of the nose. Try to breathe one breath per minute: inhale for 20 seconds, hold for 20 seconds, then exhale for 20 seconds. Continue this long deep breath for 3 minutes.
When the timer goes off, keep the position and focus. Now begin to inhale through the nose and exhale throught he mouth with the force of a cannon. Continue until you hear the timer, 3 minutes.
Stay in the pose! Inhale, hold the breath and pump your navel. When you can no longer hold your breath, exhale. Continue this navel-pumping breath for 3 more minutes.
When the final timer goes off (9 minutes total), inhale and hold the breath 15 seconds, stretching the arms out as far as possible until you feel pressure on your interlaced fingers. Exhale through the mouth with the force of a cannon. Repeat this inhale, stretch, hold and cannon exhale 2 more times.