kundalini yoga -- Gyan Chakra Kriya


  1. Sit up tall with a straight spine. The hands are in Gyan Mudra (tip of the index finger touching the tip of the thumb with the other three fingers straight). Eyes closed.

  2. Begin making large alternative circles with the arms, sweeping them overhead, never bringing the hands below heart level. The right arm moves in a counterclockwise circle, while the left arm makes a clockwise circle.

  3. Move the arms forcefully in rhythm with the mantra SAT NAM, SAT NAM, WAHE GURU, WAHE GURU. The movement is a bit quick - an arm should reach overhead with each word, ~1 second. Chant along, projecting from the navel.

  4. When the first timer goes off, move the arms as fast as possible. The final timer will go off 30 seconds later -- inhale and reach up. Stretch and hold the breath for 10 seconds, then exhale. Repeat. Finally, inhale, stretch up and twist the body left and right seven times. Exhale and relax.