Meditation of the month, February 2022:

Breath Meditation to Strengthen the Mind & the Immune System

Sit in Easy Pose, with left arm bent at elbow, hand up to side in Surya Mudra (thumb tip touching ring fingertip) at shoulder level. Right arm bent up, with index finger pointing up, blocking right nostril, thumb clasping other fingers in a fist. Do Breath of Fire through the left nostril (to the rhythm of “Sat Nam, Wha He Guru” by Singh Kaur) or about three breaths per second, strongly pumping the navel. Continue for 3 to 11 minutes.

To end, clasp hands in Venus Lock before the face, palms facing toward the face. Inhale, hold the breath, and try to pull the hands apart, resisting as much as possible, creating great tension. Exhale. Inhale and repeat three more times.

COMMENTS: Wearing a head covering is reccomended for this meditation. To be healthy, we must have moral and mental strength. If we don’t have mental strength, we won’t have moral strength. We are born with inherited strength, which is equal to the power of God. Our projected strength is created or blocked by ourselves, usually with anger, self-defeat, and blame. To have strong projected strength, we must consciously work out what we are using to block it. Our psyche and energy centers have to be adjusted by us.

This meditation write-up is adapted from the fantastic yoga manual Transitions to a Heart-Centered World by Guru Rattana.